Monday, December 3, 2012

Complacency: Create Your Destiny or be a Victim

 Photographer Lloyd Mitchell

By Lloyd Mitchell

Most of my friends fall into one of three categories, visual artists, performing artists and firefighters. Over time, I have come realize something; all three of these careers are about self-improvement, being ready, and keeping your skills sharp.  As an example, I went to a firehouse one day and witnessed the firefighters training on Vent Enter Search.  It was a very unique experience to watch them crawl around on the floor calling out to each other for the duration of the training, which lasted about 45 minutes.  The drill was designed to help ensure smooth operations on the fire ground.

A painter can’t improve if their paintbrush never touches the canvas. Photographers can’t improve their photography if their gear is always in their bag or their batteries aren’t charged.  A firefighter can’t do their work if they have no training.  The moral of the story is to always remain willing to create and train on your craft.  Your success and indeed sometimes—in the case of firefighters—your life depends on it.  Not everyone will always like your style but at least you put in the effort to improve from one moment to the next.

A performing artist and firefighter are two peas in a pod. They rely on reputation: a performing artist on their artistic skill and appeal, a firefighter on his bravery and speed.  In acting, for instance, you must repeat and memorize specific scenes just like your first or second due area.  The harder you train on your lines the easier they will be able to recall them.   The ballet dancer spends hours upon hours training to perfect their craft and improve.  Firefighters must exercise and go through simulated training for real-life situations.

The bottom line is this; whether you're performing, involved in visual arts or fighting fire do not fall victim to complacency.

Complacency makes one live in their current aura. Complacency is comfortable in its little place and will not move to help others.  Complacency will not take the bother to improve.  Always strive to make yourself better: go from painting a small canvas to a large canvas.  Take a photo, repeat a line, plan your visual size up of a situation or a structure.  Be the best damn artist or firefighter that you can be.  Your life and career depend on how much you train either as an artist or firefighter.

About the author:

My name is Lloyd Mitchell, I am a photojournalism student.  I wish to make a social difference with my art.  I feel photographs tell the stories of those without a voice.  As a photojournalist, I seek truth and understanding through my camera lens.

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